Water is an essential building block of life. In recent years, numerous public health campaigns have touted the importance of drinking water, especially as an alternative to sugary sodas and juice drinks. Environmentalists have urged Americans to drink tap water in reusable containers rather than wasting countless plastic bottles. The silent assumption in these messages is that our water is safe to drink. Unfortunately, that is not always true. Recently, we’ve noticed a number of headlines dealing with potentially contaminated water in California and across the nation. Our Northern California unsafe drinking water law firm is prepared to help when drinking water sickens people in our community.
Contaminated Water in Los Altos and Colorado
The threat of contaminated water became all too real for some Los Altos residents in recent weeks as noted in reports from the San Jose Mercury News and radio station KLIV. On Sunday, July 26, the California Water Service (“Cal Water”) notified customers living in a four to five kilometer segment of the city that tests showed e. coli and total coliform bacteria in their water supply. For a few of the 853 customers affected, the related boil water order was only lifted this past Saturday (August 8) after Cal Water finished treating the water main.