Articles Tagged with cargo accident in Santa Rosa

About a month ago, we wrote about the problem of trucks spilling their cargo endangering windshield (2)everyone on the road including travelers who drive by later and encounter a missed piece of debris.  Today, following a story with a truly miraculous ending, we look more specifically at accidents where items such as logs or beams from trucks impale windshields or otherwise endanger bystanders or even the truck driver himself.  As a truck accident law firm in Santa Rosa, San Francisco, and Oakland, we help people injured when cargo pierces a window or other barrier and we can also represent grieving families when these accidents lead to tragic death.

Miraculous Survival When Metal Beam Pierces Windshield

ABC7 reports that a male driver was travelling south on I-280 in San Jose on Thursday December 10th.   He was following behind a truck when he saw a metal beam come loose from the cargo load.  The beam pierced the man’s windshield.  While surrounding vehicles prevented the driver from veering to avoid the collision, the driver ducked to avoid getting hit by the metal piece.  Despite the fact that a metal beam was sticking right through the front windshield, the driver walked away with only a scratch.  Police have thus far issues a ticket to the truck driver for spilling a load.

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