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badge - Avvo Rating 10, Gregory J. Brod, Top attorney
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h_xf5vhzmrm-neha-deshmukh-200x300The sooner you realize you have bed bugs, the faster you can ask your landlord to have an exterminator come out and solve the problem. In recent years, newer chemicals and heat treatments have been developed that are highly effective in getting rid of bed bugs. However, the longer you have these insects in your home, the more there will be and the harder they will be to eradicate. Considering the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose area is within the top ten cities for bed bug service calls in 2016, according to Orkin, this is information you cannot afford to ignore. By knowing the signs, you can communicate with your landlord right away and prevent a habitability issue.

Signs of Bed Bugs

Fortunately, bed bugs are relatively easy to spot. They have some distinct habits that can differentiate them from other pests. Look for:

uteuunhvmls-steinar-engeland-300x200There are no shortages of older buildings in San Francisco. While these old homes and apartment buildings may have their own charm, they also often have lead paint since it was not banned until 1978. When lead-based paint is in good shape, it poses little health threat to you or other renters. However, older and poorly maintained units can have lead paint that is chipping, peeling off the walls, and contributing to a great deal of contaminated dust. If you believe your unit has lead paint or you know it has lead paint and it is causing your health issues, call a San Francisco tenant rights attorney from Brod Law Firm as soon as possible.

The Potential Dangers of Lead Paint

Lead is a highly toxic metal that can cause individuals both minor and serious health problems. When too much lead is absorbed into the body, it can cause seizures and lead to damage in the brain and other vital organs like the kidneys. Lead is particularly dangerous for kids and pregnant women. Even small amounts of lead in kids younger than 6 can lead to mental and physical developmental issues, according to the Mayo Clinic. For pregnant women, high lead levels in the body can increase the risk of miscarriage, early birth, low birth weight, health issues for the fetus, and developmental delays in the child.

k11cdc7loau-clem-onojeghuo-300x216Valentine’s Day is by no means the busiest times of year for police officers looking for drunk drivers. However, it is one of those nights every year when you may be tempted to have too much wine or an extra cocktail before the drive home. When you are out enjoying a romantic evening with your significant other, it is easy to splurge on the bottle instead of a glass or take in a nightcap before ending the evening. Unfortunately, this puts you at risk for driving with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit of .08% and causing an accident. Even if you keep the drinking to a minimum this Valentine’s Day, you may want to consider other drunk drivers on the roads and avoid driving.

Tips to Avoid an Alcohol-Related Accident on Valentine’s Day

When you plan a romantic evening for you and your partner, the last thing you want is a DUI or alcohol-related accident to spoil the mood. To avoid an accident, consider these romantic ideas:

b3ims-0adiw-frantzou-fleurine-300x140Elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation are growing concerns across the U.S., and unfortunately, not all states are working to reduce the occurrence of these issues. In December 2016, WalletHub released a study of each state’s and the District of Columbia’s elder abuse protections and ranked state’s and D.C.’s efforts. Overall, California ranked 49 out of 51, which means only two other states have made a poorer effort to protect its elderly citizens.

Since California’s laws and infrastructure do not provide an abundance of elder abuse protection, it is up to you to keep a close eye on your loved ones living in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities. If you believe your family member or friend is being abused by someone or neglected, contact an experienced San Francisco elder abuse attorney at Brod Law Firm as soon as possible.

How the States and D.C. Were Ranked

taller-de-ilustracion-digital-256-300x199There are many types of mold, and none are actually toxic like some news outlets would have you believe. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “toxic mold” is a misnomer. Some molds can produce toxins, but are not themselves poisonous or toxic to individuals. This does not mean you should let mold spread throughout your apartment. Mold can lead to allergy symptoms, respiratory issues, asthma attacks, as well as pneumonia and infections in individuals with compromised immune systems. You can rest a little easier knowing there is little connection between mold and serious or rare diseases, though you should work with your landlord to have the mold removed and the issue causing it repaired. If you are having issues with mold in your rental unit, contact a San Francisco tenants rights attorney at Brod Law Firm right away.

Common Types of Molds in Apartments

From the fuzz that grows on overly ripe fruit to the black dots spreading across your apartment’s wall, molds range in colors and likely physical reactions. A few of the most common types of mold are cladosporium, aspergillus, and stachybotrys atra. They can all be found in buildings where moisture is present, which can come from leaky roofs, broken washing machine hoses, and poorly sealed windows. Cladosporium can cause allergy symptoms and the rare infection. Aspergillus can similarly cause fungal infections and allergic reactions, but is generally no issue for individuals with healthy immune systems. Stachybotrys is what many people think of when they consider mold, since it is greenish black. It is no more “toxic” than the other types of mold, but can also cause allergic reactions.

Practical_electro-therapeutics_and_X-ray_therapy_-_with_chapters_on_phototherapy_X-ray_in_eye_surgery_X-ray_in_dentistry_and_medico-legal_aspect_of_the_X-ray_1912_14754827864-175x300Elder abuse is unfortunately common around the country. The National Council on Aging estimates that one in 10 Americans older than 60 experiences a type of elder abuse, such as physical, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse. Despite these high figures, which amount to millions of elderly individuals every year, only one in 14 cases are reported to authorities. This disparity may come not only from willful oversight but also from lack of detection. If individuals do not understand the signs of elder abuse, it can be hard to realize it is happening to a friend or loved one. However, a recent study found that radiologists may be well-equipped to spot elder abuse, increasing the cases reported to authorities.

Radiologists Could Potentially Identify Elder Abuse

According to a study published in the American Journal of Roentgenology, radiologists could play an important role in detecting elder abuse if they were to receive the proper training. Normally, physical elder abuse is not recognized quickly or at all. The signs and physical indications of elder abuse can be subtle, particularly because older individuals can have a myriad of health issues. However, radiologists are “uniquely positioned” to identify elder abuse when it is happening.

v_cxsrohkwg-matthew-hamilton-300x200It is only the end of January and San Francisco has already witnessed multiple scaffolding accidents that have led to pedestrian and worker injuries. In early January, poor weather caused scaffolding materials to fall from a seven-story building near Market Street. San Francisco police blocked off a portion of Market Street for fear that other materials could fall and hurt people. About an hour later, scaffolding collapsed near California and Spruce Streets. On January 20, scaffolding fell near Turk and Market, hurting an individual who was taken away in an ambulance. On the 24th, three workers were seriously hurt when the scaffolding they were using collapsed. They fell 25 feet to concrete suffering fractures and internal injuries. For this particular incident, the building owner did not have the proper work permits and there were multiple safety violations.

Scaffolding is often a necessary component to new construction and renovations. However, it must be constructed properly and protected from the elements. When scaffolding is not constructed or used correctly, it is more likely to collapse and cause injuries.

If you were injured due to falling scaffolding materials or a collapse, do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced San Francisco personal injury lawyer at Brod Law Firm. We will determine who is responsible for the construction materials and site that led to your injuries, whether the scaffolding was properly installed, and whether the owner had the proper work permits.

hq10wzrq2lo-nick-tiemeyer-300x200When renting in California, you are bound to encounter some old and slightly rundown apartments. If you are a tenant in the same unit for a few years, you will likely be the one to discuss something that is broken or in a potentially dangerous condition. If your landlord is responsive, you should not have to deal with a problem for long. However, if your landlord is interested in fixing as little as possible and willing to skirt the law on a few issues, then you may have a problem on your hands. In many situations, you have the right to demand your landlord fix a problem. If he or she does not, you may be able to repair the issue and deduct the cost from the rent or move out. However, before you try to take matters into your own hands, consider the extent of the problem and your actual rights.

Your Implied Warranty of Habitability

Under California law, your landlord is required to maintain your apartment in a way that ensures it is safe and livable at all times. This is known as the implied warranty of habitability. It is not a guarantee you receive through an oral or written lease. Instead, an implied warranty is a promise inferred to you by law. No matter what the landlord says, he or she cannot take away your right to a habitable rental unit.

Waste_signHousehold products have evolved a great deal in recent years. Cleaning has increasingly become about power and efficiency. The faster we can clean up a mess or finish with a chore, the better. These products also cannot entirely escape the “cool” factor. They need to catch our eyes so we grab them off the shelves and want to buy them over and over. All of these factors have led to cleaning supplies that look like food or candy, making them enticing to children. Unfortunately, more modern packaging has increased the number of poisonings, side effects, and injuries in children across the nation. If your child was hurt due to a cleaning product that too closely resembled food or candy, you may want to contact a San Francisco product liability attorney at Brod Law Firm to learn about your right to recover compensation.

Hundreds of Children are Poisoned Every Day

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 300 children in the U.S. are treated in emergency rooms every day as a result of poisoning. Two die each day. These poisonings result from children ingesting all types of household items and cleaners, not just obvious chemicals. Children can be severely injured or killed due to eating or drinking medications, cleaners, detergents, nail polish and removers, makeup products, animal and insect repellants and poisons, alcohol, and vape or electronic cigarette liquids.

GoCar_San_Francisco-300x200A driver and passenger of a rented GoCar in San Francisco were involved in a collision mid-January, according to Mission Local. The two individuals were injured after they collided with a Toyota sedan on 24th Street, throwing them from their three-wheeled, open-air vehicle. Some witnesses state the GoCar driver may have run a red light and clipped the front end of the Toyota. However, the police will thoroughly investigate the situation to determine fault and whether any charges are appropriate. While everyone in this accident may have walked away relatively unscathed, this incident raises the question: Whose insurance covers crashes caused by GoCar drivers? If you were injured in an accident with these small rented vehicles, do not hesitate to reach out to a San Francisco personal injury attorney of Brod Law Firm.

Filing an Insurance Claim After an Accident

If you know the driver of the GoCar vehicle was responsible for the crash that led to your injuries, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney about the best way to recover compensation. Once you have evidence that the GoCar operator was at fault for the collision, you will need to determine the most appropriate insurer to file a claim with.

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