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dan-gold-272398-copy-300x169There are a few habits elderly individuals keep up as long as they can. One of these is heading to the salon or barber to have their hair cut. Many elderly men and women rely on this routine not only to maintain their hygiene and preferred style, but also to maintain their social connections. Many individuals have gone to the same salon or shop for years. Now, with California’s new law, the salon professionals working with these men and women will be in a better position to notice signs of elder abuse and neglect.

California AB 326

In late September, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law AB 326, which requires the State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (BBC) to develop and adopt a course that covers physical and sexual abuse awareness for all of their licensees by July 1, 2019. Under the new law, physical and sexual abuse includes domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and elder abuse. This information must be taught in schools approved by the BBC just like other health and safety courses that cover hazardous substances and basic labor laws. This new requirement will impact approximately 550,000 professionals, including barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists, and more.

antonina-bukowska-142087-copy-300x200There are certain rights you take for granted until someone else violates them. One of these is your right to privacy. As an individual, you are entitled to privacy from others. This is a social norm. As a resident of the U.S., you are entitled to a great deal of privacy from law enforcement and the government. As a tenant, you have the right to privacy from your landlord. When you are within your unit, you have a right to decide who comes and goes, who knows what is going on inside, and so forth, with only a few exceptions. Your landlord may have the right to come into your apartment and inspect the premises, but only in a certain way and at certain times.

If your landlord is constantly stopping by or letting him or herself into your unit without your permission or appropriate notice, call our California tenant rights attorneys at Brod Law Firm right away.

Your Right to Privacy in Your Rental Unit

alexandru-tugui-185047-copy-300x200Recent surveillance camera footage is a difficult reminder of how careful elderly individuals need to be when in public. The Burbank, California police have released a video of a young woman waiting behind an elderly woman who was in an electric scooter at a store. Once the elderly woman stood to grab an item off the shelf and was distracted, the younger woman quickly grabbed the purse off the scooter and walked away. The footage shows her leaving the store and then driving away in a white, four-door sedan that appeared to be a Lexus GS.

Police later recovered the elderly woman’s purse near Buena Vista and Vanowen streets, however her ID, money, credit cards, and other items were gone. The credit cards were used later at a Target and Lowes. The Burbank police are still looking for the suspect who could be charged with elder abuse and grand theft.

Elderly Individuals Must Remain Vigilant

ethan-hoover-331847-copy-300x200Everyone enjoys the annual county fairs or pop-up circuses that occasionally head into town. No matter your age, there is something to enjoy. Children and teenagers, in particular, look forward to the rides. Miniature roller coasters offer a little fun without amusement park prices. However, what happens when the rides are not as safe as they should be and someone is injured or killed? That is a question families in Ohio are now facing after one adolescent was killed and others were injured at the Ohio State Fair.

If you were injured on a broken fair ride or lost a loved one in a tragic accident, do not hesitate to seek out objective and experienced legal advice from a California personal injury lawyer at Brod Law Firm. We will thoroughly investigate the situation to determine your legal rights and options.

High School Student Dies at Ohio State Fair

taduuda-76960-copy-300x200In June 2017, an armed United Parcel Service (UPS) employee entered into a package delivery warehouse in San Francisco and began shooting. Three UPS workers were killed and two were wounded. An additional three employees were hurt while trying to escape. This tragic and violent incident has led the families of the deceased victims and the injured employees to file a lawsuit against UPS, Allied Universal Security Services, and the owner of the warehouse.

UPS Employees File Suit Following Deadly Workplace Shooting

The attorneys for the employees and their families argue that the accident was entirely preventable. Despite metal detectors and security guards at the facility, it appears as if the shooter walked right in. The employees and their families claim that none of the security measures in place were sufficient to prevent such an incident. They also state there had been previous complaints about the lack of appropriate security as unauthorized people had gotten into the building.

joshua-newton-13935-copy-300x200Apartment buildings or rental houses and condos are typically investment properties for the landlords. As with any investment, there may come a time when it is better for the landlord to sell than to hold on to it. This means that one day, you may receive a letter notifying you that your building or home has been sold and you have a new landlord. This poses a number of questions, one of the most common being: What happens when someone buys your apartment?

Tenant Rights When the Rental Property is Sold

The most important thing to know when your apartment building, single-family house, or condo is sold is that the new owner is legally required to honor your lease. If you have a typically one-year lease, you have the right to carry it out and continue living there. The new landlord cannot evict you simply because of the change of ownership.

christian-langballe-78684-copy-300x200An audit conducted by Daniel Levinson, Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, found that elder abuse and neglect is a significant concern for Medicare beneficiaries and that the Medicare program currently has inadequate procedures to ensure abuse or neglect are identified and reported in accordance with legal requirements.

If you have a loved one living in a nursing home and you believe that he or she is being neglected or abused, contact an experienced San Francisco elder abuse attorney at Brod Law Firm right away. While Medicare mandates that all suspected abuse or neglect of elderly or patients be reported to the police immediately by the facility’s staff, this is often not the case. Many episodes of abuse or neglect go unnoticed and unreported, leaving your and other people’s loved ones in danger.

The Medicare Audit

taduuda-76960-copy-300x200The Associated Press analyzed federal statistics and found older workers are being killed on the job at higher rates than younger workers. This is bad news for older individuals who are forced due to their finances to continue to work beyond retirement age and for people who simply enjoy working while they are physically and mentally able. This is also a worrisome finding as by 2024, older workers will make up a quarter of the workforce.

Workers in their 50s, 60s, and 70s are not going anywhere, and employers need to be sure they are keeping their senior employees safe. If employers fail to follow or increase safety measures, older worker’s deaths could result in a greater number of workers’ compensation and wrongful death claims.

APs Study of Older Workers’ Deaths

milind-kaduskar-87650-copy-300x300Before February 2016, Danielle Phillips and Paul Kelly rented a two-bedroom house near the beach, paying $1,900 in monthly rent. Then, that February, Phillips and Kelly came home to a notice from their new landlord, Matthew Dirkes, who was raising the monthly rent to $6,700. This was not only more than three-times the previous rent, it was also far above median rents for single-family homes in the area, San Francisco Magazine found and reported.

Phillips and Kelly knew what was happening. They were being evicted under the premise of a lawful rent hike, so they sued. The trial court sided with the landlord but now the couple are appealing to California’s First District Court of Appeals. The appellate court’s decision could have a significant impact of tenants’ rights and protections within the region.

Phillips and Kelly Had Few Legal Options

keilidh-ewan-189124-copy-300x200Certain medical issues become more common with age. It is common for seniors’ eyesight and hearing to decline. These issues can become so severe as to make elderly individuals legally blind or deaf, which can put them at a significant disadvantage when it comes to handling their own financial affairs. When they are not able to hear or see well, seniors may heavily rely on others to help them with simple matters like maintaining their checkbooks, to more complex matters like protecting their retirement assets and buying or selling real estate. While at such a disadvantage, family members, friends, neighbors, and others can take advantage and financially abuse these seniors.

If you believe an elderly parent or loved one is being taken advantage of because they cannot hear or see well to manage their own affairs, contact our experienced San Francisco elder abuse lawyers from Brod Law Firm at (800) 427-7020.

Hearing Loss in Seniors

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