As San Francisco and Oakland insurance attorneys we pay attention to all insurance-related headlines. For example, almost decade ago there was a big news story about a massive, and twisted, insurance fraud scheme that crossed state borders. Four key players in that horrendous scheme are finally going to trial this week in a southern California courtroom to be held accountable for their crimes, which border on gruesome.
The New Times in Phoenix broke the story, and has continued to report on it. The story starts with fake totally healthy “patients” being recruited in Phoenix. They were hired for $800 to travel to Los Angeles and undergo completely unnecessary, and potentially dangerous, medical procedures. Many were not told about the side effects of these procedures, including one man who was struggling with the loss of strength in his hands, making it difficult for him to work. These included sweat-gland and sinus surgeries, colonoscopies, endoscopies, and gynecological and testicular procedures. The clinics that performed these operations would then bill the insurance companies at extremely high rates, and in this case the insurance companies asked few questions of the submitting doctors and organizations and paying out tens of millions of dollars in this massive fraud scheme. California officials estimate that 2,481 healthy “patients” went to California to undergo treatment from just one of the fake groups, Unity Outpatient, that was recruiting them.
The plan was that the patients would receive these huge reimbursement checks from the insurance companies and would turn them over, as they had already been paid their $800 fee. But some greedy “patients” saw the checks and cashed them instead of handing them over. One of Unity’s lawyers, himself deeply wrapped up in this scheme, actually sued the employees to get the fraudulently collected checks back! The whole mess unraveled from there. Roy Dickerson, that attorney, even claimed that they were being defamed at one point. Mr. Dickerson is no longer allowed to practice law and is one of the four main players about to go on trial in California.