A recent class action against Dial argues that there are no reliable studies showing that Tricloasn–the active ingredient in Dial Complete–provides any of the results allegedlly promised by Dial or that it provides a benefit over washing with regular soap and water. Sadly, it is often the case that a company will use misleading and even illegal marketing claims, such as “kills bacteria,” “fights germs,” protection against mold,” “odor-fighting” or “keeps food fresher, longer” and potentially endanger the health of unsuspecting shoppers in order to make a profit. An extensive report put out by the Environmental Working Grouphas revealed how harmful Triclosan is to humans. In addition, the report found that the addition of Triclosan to home-use products, which is usually added in indiscriminate amounts, is unnecessary, does not appear to provide any additional protection form infection, and may breed Triclosan-resistant super germs. It turns out, people are exposed to the chemical more than they know, as it is in antibacterial soaps, dishwashing detergents, and body care products including toothpaste and deodorant. The American Medical Association recommends against using Triclosan in the home because it may encourage bacterial resistance to antibiotics. An advisory committee to the Federal Food and Drug Administration has found that household use of antibacterial products provides no benefits over plain soap and water
Triclosan has been linked to liver and inhalation toxicity. Low levels of Triclosan may disrupt thyroid function. Wastewater treatment does not remove all of the chemical. Triclosan ends up in lakes, rivers and water sources. Studies have linked Triclosan to cancer and developmental defects. Triclosan tends to bioaccumulate, meaning it becomes more concentrated in the fatty tissues of humans and other animals. As a result, this chemical has been detected in human breast milk, and in blood samples as well. Higher levels of Triclosan in blood and breast milk are linked to use of body care products containing Triclosan. A recent lab study found the chemical to exert both estrogenic and androgenic effects on human breast cancer cells. The daily household use of Triclosan may alter a developing body’s natural microbial community following chronic exposure to the chemical and cause immune system abnormalities.
If you have been harmed by a product due to false claims made by the company that manufactured and sold it, please contact our firm today. We have over 10 years experience fighting for victims of unsafe products and will win you the compensation you deserve.