
What to do if You Find Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room

The last thing you expect or want to happen while you are on vacation is to find bed bugs in your hotel room. However, the unfortunate reality is that many hotels have had bed bug infestations, and it is not always possible to avoid them. If you find yourself in a situation in which you have found bed bugs in your room, whether the bugs have bitten you or not, make sure you follow the steps below and call the bed bug attorneys at Brod Law Firm to receive a personal consultation of your case.

What to do if You Find Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room

  1. Take photos and videos of the bed bugs.

The first thing you will want to do after finding bed bugs in your room is to take photos and videos of the bed bugs. When you take photos of the bed bugs, try to get any surrounding blood stains or other unique room elements in your photo to show that the photo of the bed bugs were indeed taken in your hotel room. Try to do the same with any videos you are able to take. Include footage of the room itself when filming the bed bugs. That way, there will be no dispute as to where exactly the bed bugs were located. If you can include your hotel room number in your video, that would strengthen your case even further because then you will be able to prove that the bed bugs were found in your room and not in any other hotel room.

In addition to footage of the bed bugs, try to also obtain footage of any blood stains, fecal matter, shell casings, and nests that would provide more evidence of the presence of bed bugs in your room.

  1. Take a video of the room inspection.

If the hotel sends a bed bug inspector to your room, or if you hire a bed bug inspector on your own to inspect the room, try to get a video of their inspection process, if possible. Even better, if the inspector is willing to state his or her opinion regarding the presence of a bed bug infestation on video, you will have even more evidence to prove your case.

  1. Obtain a written statement from the inspector.

Along the same lines of obtaining video footage of the inspection, try to also obtain a written statement from the inspector regarding his or her opinion on the presence of a bed bug infestation. This will also strengthen your case.

Contact a California Bed Bug Attorney Today

Hotels in California are required by law to maintain habitable standards that include ensuring there are no bed bug infestations on the property. The attorneys at Brod Law Firm have helped unlucky travelers obtain compensation for their bed bug injuries and seek justice for not only the bed bug bites, but also the loss of their vacation and the emotional trauma they were forced to endure as a result. Contact our attorneys at (800) 427-7020 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation today.

(image courtesy of Marcus Spiske)

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