
What to do if You Detect Toxic Mold in Your Apartment

Everyone wants the assurance that their home is their safe place, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Sometimes, landlords can be lazy and fail to perform regular toxic mold inspections or remediation, and tenants may not notice until they start to exhibit symptoms. If you believe you are living with toxic mold in your apartment, follow the steps below and contact the toxic mold attorneys at Brod Law Firm to learn more about your rights and options.

California Laws Regarding Toxic Mold

While federal law regulates the disclosure and prevention of lead paint, it makes no mention of toxic mold. California law requires landlords to disclose the presence of toxic mold in a residence building, when the level of mold exceeds a safe level, to tenants but does not provide any rules or guidelines for preventing or clearing out toxic mold.

In San Francisco, however, mold is considered a “public health nuisance,” much like a pile of trash or a rodent infestation. This means tenants are able to sue their landlords for failure to remove any known mold located anywhere inside the building in which the tenant resides.

What to do if You Detect Toxic Mold in Your Apartment

  1. Contact your landlord to report the presence of toxic mold.

The first thing you should do if you believe there is toxic mold in your apartment is to contact your landlord and report the presence of toxic mold. Your landlord has a duty to inspect and get rid of the toxic mold. However, your landlord may deny your allegations or verbally acquiesce but never take action to get the mold cleared out. If either of these situations happens to you, move on to step 2.

  1. Contact your local code enforcement agency.

If your landlord ignores or denies your request for a mold inspection, you will have to take matters into your own hands and contact your local code enforcement agency and request an inspection from them. If they detect the presence of mold in your home, they will request your landlord to remove the mold. If your landlord still denies or ignores their request, move on to step 3.

  1. Contact an experienced toxic mold attorney.

If you have already attempted to communicate with your landlord about the presence of toxic mold in your apartment, and your local code enforcement agent has attempted to do the same without success, contact an experienced toxic mold attorney who can represent your rights and help rectify your situation as expeditiously as possible so you are not living in a home with toxic mold for longer than is necessary.

Contact an Experienced Toxic Mold Attorney in Santa Rosa or San Francisco Today

If you believe you have been harmed by the presence of toxic mold in your building, contact an experienced toxic mold lawyer in Santa Rosa or San Francisco today to learn how you can be compensated for your injuries. The attorneys at Brod Law Firm have helped numerous San Francisco tenants obtain full recovery for their injuries from living in a home with high amounts of toxic mold. Contact us today at (800) 427-7020 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation.

(image courtesy of Jon Moore)

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