
San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog


Northern California Elder Abuse Lawyer Examines the Factors that Lead to Elder Abuse

We frequently use this space to discuss issues related to nursing home mistreatment and other forms of elder abuse. Our Northern California elder abuse law firm believes that talking about these issues will help to bring the problem out of the shadows. Increasing awareness can help prevent future cases and…


Motorcycle Safety Research: Reviewing the 1981 Hurt Report and Calling for Updated Research

The news was mixed — The Sacramento Bee reported that 2012 saw an increase in the number of motorcycle deaths nationwide, but a decline in the number of motorcycle fatalities in California. The Governors Highway Safety Association estimates that the country saw more than 5,000 motorcycle deaths last year, an…


Financial Elder Abuse: A Case Study Involving a Fake Sweepstakes and Scammers Posing as Government Officials

We’ve written a lot about financial elder abuse in recent weeks, from the abuse allegedly perpetrated by Judge Seeman (a case particularly disheartening to those of us in the legal field who rely on the honor and wisdom of judges) to a general overview of common abuse schemes. It may…


Dramatic Scene as Car Crashes Into Home, Leaving Woman in Critical Condition

Speeding and reckless driving, behaviors most of us see every day. However, they are behaviors that our Oakland accident law firm knows lead to crashes, collisions that cause serious injuries and even death. In 2010, according to the California Highway Patrol’s Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System, 2,739 people were killed…


The National Council on Aging’s Top Ten Financial Elder Abuse Schemes

After every tragedy we hear about fake charities taking advantage of people’s generosity (here’s one recent example, including tips on avoiding scam charities). In addition to preying on people’s desire to help following a tragedy, scammers also use fake charities to target seniors. Our San Francisco elder abuse law firm…

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