
San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog


Guardrails: When a Safety Device Becomes Dangerous

They are supposed to be there for our safety. Guardrails can help prevent an out-of-control vehicle from careening over a cliff or other hazardous terrain and can also keep such vehicles away from opposing traffic. In these roles, they save lives. However, guardrail accidents can also be a serious danger…


Playground Injuries: When It Is More than an Everyday Childhood Stumble

If asked to point to a scene that truly defines the word “joy,” we’d be hard-pressed to find a better image than that of children at play on a playground. On the playground, the kid next to you can become your best friend, at least for the duration of your…


SFFD Fine Against Property Owner Points to Example of When Seemingly Minor Infraction Can Lead to Major Disaster

In the scheme of things, a fine or a single building code violation leveled against a landlord may not seem to be mean much to the layman, and there are plenty of responsible property owners who will properly attend to remediating the cause of the fine or violation. However, as…


San Mateo Collision Is Example of Perils for Pedestrians That Go Beyond Crosswalks

As we have seen on these pages numerous times, the act of being a pedestrian is not an easy one, at least not on American streets. But as San Francisco pedestrian accident attorney Gregory J. Brod would point out, there are multiple perils that can prove dangerous for a pedestrian…


The Dangerous Mix of Earthquakes and a Negligent Lack of Preparation

Living in California, we all know that earthquakes are a threat. Still, nothing can truly prepare you for feeling the ground shake beneath you, especially to the degree it moved during the history-making 6.0 quake that hit Northern California on August 24, 2014. Given our region’s propensity towards earthquakes, it…


Representing the Victims of Motorized Scooter Accidents in Northern California

Modern day travel involves more than just cars. On a given day, a stretch of roadway might see travelers on bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, roller skates, and their own two feet. Motorized scooters are another form of travel and, like many other travelers, operators are vulnerable to reckless drivers. When a…


Californians Will Legally Be Able to Take Dogs to Dinner in 2015

While it may come as a surprise to some, California currently bans dogs and other animals from all restaurants, inside or out. Of course, this ban has long been ignored by many restaurants and their patrons, and it is not uncommon to see dogs-both big and little-resting alongside their owners…

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