
San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog


Some Things Change, Some Stay the Same: Bicycle Accidents & Rider Fatalities Over the Years

The Brod Law Firm has long been dedicated to protecting bicycle riders in Northern California. Attorney Brod is a member of the Marin County and San Francisco Bicycle Coalitions and he has many years’ experience representing bicycle accident victims. Throughout the years, much has changed…the phrase “texting while driving” would…


Northern California Injury Looks At the Danger of Trampoline Injuries

Children are often so filled with energy that they appear to bounce from place to place. It is little wonder that trampolines are a beloved piece of equipment in gymnasiums and backyards alike. While they can be fun and can encourage the active exercise too many children lack, trampolines can…


Protecting Oakland Tenants from Harassment by Landlords Looking to Capitalize on Rising Rents

Recently, there has been a lot of attention on both the local and national level to the ever-increasing rents in the city of San Francisco. Less attention has been paid to the rental market across the Bay, but the city of Oakland has experienced a similar rise in residential rental…


Holding Facilities Responsible for Inadequate Supervision of the Developmentally Disabled

It has often been said that one of the best ways to judge a society is by how it treats its weakest, most helpless members. Individuals with significant developmental disabilities rely on their families and society as a whole for care and protection. When these individuals are placed in a…


Older Pedestrians: Accident Statistics & Legal Rights

San Francisco is consistently listed as one of America’s most walkable cities (see e.g., CBS article ranking San Francisco #4 in June 2014). Walkability attracts both residents and tourists to our region. Pedestrian accidents are one of the biggest threats to walkability. Older pedestrians in particular deserve extra deference from…


“The Sky Is Falling!”: Bay Area Injury Lawyer Examines Legal Rights Following Injuries from Falling Debris

It may seem like something out of fiction, or even out of an old-school cartoon, but the problem of falling debris is quite real. There are a wide-range of related scenarios such as debris from a crumbling building hitting a passerby, a customer being injured by an item tumbling from…


Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Motor Vehicles: Details, Dangers, and Liability

Even if the harm catches you off-guard, the basis of most threats can be seen – the car doing 60mph in a 25mph zone, the slip-potential of water pooling atop a flight of stairs, the driver focused on his phone instead of the road. Carbon monoxide, however, is neither seen…


Furnishing Alcohol to Minors: California’s Limited Social Host Law Protects Victims of Underage DUIs

The problem of underage drinking is not new and, sadly, neither is the problem of underage drunk drivers causing serious accidents. However, it seems like only recently we have begun to ask the logical next question: How did they get the alcohol? As an Oakland DUI injury law firm, we…

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