Parenthood is an intense, rewarding love. Parenthood also means never-ending concern. High on the list of every parent’s greatest fears is that someone will sexually, physically, or emotionally abuse your child. Darkness to Light, a nonprofit focused on preventing child abuse, reports that 90% of sexually abused children know their…
San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog
Bed Bugs in the Courts (Not Literally!) — Using Individual Lawsuits and Class Actions to Protect California Renters
Landlord-tenant lawyer Greg Brod is often asked whether an individual tenant’s case can really be big enough to justify a lawsuit. Often the answer is “Yes.” Recognizing the potential for power imbalances and the critical importance of a safe home, rental contracts and state/local laws often provide extra legal protection…
The Threat of Overmedication in California Nursing Homes
In modern day America, many working adults find themselves as a caregiver two times over, caring for their growing children and aging parents. Often the needs of aging parents become too great for their adult children to address on their own and, especially when physical or mental illness is an…
Backover Accidents: Prevention and Compensation
Driving is a risky activity and far too many of us fail to give it the attention it deserves, especially when we’re travelling a common route. For many, trips begin by putting the vehicle in reverse and backing out of a garage or driveway. While drivers may be on the…
The Surprisingly Common Danger of Vehicles Crashing Into Buildings
It’s the type of news story that always grabs attention. Yet, it is also an event that happens much more often than you might imagine. As the following blog post notes, vehicle-into-building crashes happen dozens of times each day in the United States. These crashes can cause injuries and death,…
Repeat Drunk Drivers: A Look at the Problem of DUI Recidivism
We can answer many questions for the clients of our Santa Rosa DUI injury law firm. We can tell them about the law and the legal process. We can help them evaluate settlement offers and understand the unique world of the courtroom. While we are not medical professionals, we can…
Resident Aggression: A Growing Threat in Senior Care Homes and Facility Liability
Nursing home abuse is a terrible crime that preys on the very people whom society should most respect. Abuse in senior care facilities can take a range of forms including physical, sexual, emotional, and financial mistreatment as well as neglect. Often, abuse is perpetrated by overworked staff members and the…
An Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution
It is no secret that courts are crowded these days. This fact is largely responsible for the turn to alternative dispute resolution, also referred to by the acronym “ADR”. Sometimes parties agree to try ADR, sometimes courts or individual judges require parties attempt some form of ADR before proceeding to…
Northern California Product Injury Lawyer Examines Recall Linking Unexpected Braking to Ignition Panel Design
Technology is great. Until, that is, it isn’t. Our days our filled with technological devices that we couldn’t have even dreamed of even a short 15 years ago when the year 2000 arrived. New devices and modern additions to older products have changed the way we live, often offering huge…
The Dangers of Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana
Among the topics that dominated the news nationwide in 2014 was a growing shift in the laws involving marijuana. An increasing number of states have joined California in allowing medicinal use of marijuana and a few states have legalized personal recreational use. While federal prohibitions remain, authorities seem to be…