
San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog


Back to the Basics – Proving Medical Malpractice

When Californians go to the doctor, we place our trust in that medical professional. We believe that the medical professional is highly skilled and capable of performing services in a way that will help us live healthier, happier lives. We don’t expect that a medical professional will cause serious injury that may…


Slip and Fall Accidents: What You Should Know Before You Sue

Picture this; you walk into a mall and as you are walking towards the clothing store you suddenly slip or trip and fall. You lose your balance either because the floor tile you just stepped on had an extra helping of floor polish or it was sticking out. Such accidents…


San Francisco Injury Lawyer on the Danger of Electric Shock Drowning

As summer arrives in Northern California, many people are getting ready to hit the water.  We are lucky to have such a wide range of options for water recreation in our area including the ocean, lakes, and swimming pools.  Most people are aware that there is always a risk of…


San Francisco Injury Lawyer Examines the Danger of Residential Fires

The ability to make and use fire is one of the things that has set the human race apart from other species.  We use fire to stay warm, provide light, and cook food.  However, fire is strong and when it is out of control it can cause serious injuries or…


Refusing to Learn: The Problem of Repeat Drunk Drivers

With all the knowledge and information available today, there is no excuse for driving drunk.  Yet, some people continue to do so and some do so over and over again.  Repeat drunk drivers, a problem also referred to as drunk driving recidivism, are a danger to all of us.  As a…


School Bus Safety: Protecting Our Most Precious Resource

The yellow school bus is an iconic symbol of childhood in America.  Many of us waved goodbye to our parents as we headed off to school on the bus and then grew to become the parents waving goodbye our own children.  They transport our most precious resource, our children, so…


San Francisco Bay Area Bus Accident Attorney on the Danger of Drowsy Bus Drivers

From the big yellow buses we put our children on each morning to the city buses we ride in our daily commutes and the buses that let us tour a new city, we have a right to expect buses to be safe.  In addition to ensuring that the vehicles are…


Safety and Justice: Northern California Accident Attorney Examines What Causes Fatal Car Accidents

According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, 3,074 people died in traffic-related incidents in California in 2014.  As far as our San Francisco car accident lawyer is concerned, that is 3,074 deaths too many.  At the Brod Law Firm, we represent people left grieving after a family member dies in…


“Look Twice Save a Life”: Examining Motorcycle Accidents Following Two California Motorcycle Fatalities

Most drivers have seen the bumper stickers that read: “Look Twice Save a Life – Motorcycles Are Everywhere.”  Tragically, many drivers fail to heed this warning.  Motorcycle accidents and motorcycle fatalities are far too common and often a careless or inattentive driver is to blame.  As an Oakland motorcycle accident…


Fire on the Water: San Francisco Boating Accident Lawyer Examines the Threat of Boat Fires

There’s a cruel irony to the thought of battling a fire when surrounded by nothing but water.  Nonetheless, boating fires are a very real threat to life, health, and property.  When boat fires result from unsafe products or from the negligence of an individual or entity, our San Francisco boating…

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