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San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog
San Francisco Pedestrian Accident Attorney Comments on Street Safety
Due to the recent bicycle fatality on Masonic Avenue, the pedestrian fatality last month at 19th and Folsom, and all the other numerous dangers pedestrians and cyclists face, pedestrian advocates and city health professionals are urging city leaders to develop a comprehensive action plan for the streets of San Francisco.…
San Francisco Product Liability Attorney Comments on Nationwide Egg Recall
The recent recall of eggs is largest in years. Last week Wright Country Egg of Iowa recalled 228 million eggs after a traceback investigation by the CDC linked a salmonella outbreak to the firm’s eggs. As of yesterday, the recall has expanded to 300 million. The Food and Drug Administration…
San Francisco – Oakland Car Accident Attorney: Road Accident Avoidance Tips
With so many people in the Bay Area commuting to and from jobs in every part of the area, there is really no longer any typical or even “reverse” commute. Many people commute via car, however in some places, including the City of San Francisco, people commute on bicycle, scooter,…
San Francisco Product Liability Attorney Comments on Tainted Food Products.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed the recent outbreak of typhoid fever in the United States is linked to recalled packages of frozen mamey, a sweet, reddish tropical fruit grown mainly in Central and South America, pulp product, also known as zapote or sapote, used to…
San Francisco Injury Attorney Comments on Murder and Abuse in Nursing Homes
Just the other day, we brought up the subjuct of Nursing home abuse as it pertained to an incident, and today we have different incident to discuss. According to, Britthaven, a North Carolina nursing home, faces charges in civil malpractice lawsuits related to serious injuries of two residents, and…
Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect–A Serious Issue in California
We are always following issues of nursing home abuse and think it’s important to talk about cases from time to time. We look at it as a way to remind our readers about the dangerous issues seniors face when they are in a nursing home. Last month a Superior Court…
San Francisco Product Liability Attorney Comments on Drug Safety Bill
The recent controversy over the safety of drugs and the rise in drug recalls prompted Colorado’s Senator Michael Bennet to introduce the Drug Safety and Accountability Act of 2010. The bill would give the FDA additional recall power and other investigative and enforcement options in the following ways: grant the…
San Francisco – Oakland Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer comments re: “greasing” of elderly
Several elderly patients at Valley View Skilled Nursing Facility in Ukiah, California were covered with a greasy, ointment cream by nursing home staff as part of an apparent “prank”. The patient-victims suffered from dementia, and were unable to protest about the way they were treated. Six former employees of Valley…
San Francisco Product Liability Attorney Comments on Hazerdous Supplements
According to Consumer Reports, supplement manufacturers sell their products without first having to demonstrate that they are safe and effective. Consumer Reports has been working with experts from the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, an independent research group, and have identified a dozen supplement ingredients that it thinks consumers should avoid…