
San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog


San Francisco-Oakland Injury Attorney Comments on Severe Reactions to Over the Counter Drugs

Last month, according to, a Philadelphia jury awarded $10 million to the family of a teenage girl who developed Stevens – Johnson syndrome after she took Children’s Motrin. According to the Mayo Clinic, Stevens Johnson Syndrome is a sever sensitivity reaction that can be caused by many drugs. Stevens-Johnson…


Oakland-San Francisco Attorney Comments on Texting While Driving

An 18-year-old woman from Rohnert Park named Kaitlyn Dunaway was charged with misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter for allegedly running over a 2-year-old girl, according to Dunaway was distracted by texting when she crashed her vehicle in to Cali Murray and Cali’s mothers as they walked through a cross walk holding…


Oakland-San Francisco Attorney Comments on Stacking Policies

Stacking is a term that means treating multiple policies that apply to a single loss as cumulative—as a “stack” of coverage—rather than each as mutually exclusive. Therefore, stacking issues can arise almost any time multiple policies cover a single loss. Stacking refers, literally, to the stacking of policy limits. In…


Oakland-San Francisco Class Action Attorney Comments on Sony Class Action

Sony has announced the credit card information of millions of users has been compromised–after its Sony Online Entertainment PC gaming service had been hacked and the PlayStation network service had been breached. And now consumers are banding together and filing class action suits against Sony. A law firm in Toronto…


Oakland-San Francisco Consumer Attorney Comments on Extended Warranties

According to, Sears has been selling extended warranties, what they call maintenance agreements, and then not following through on the promises within those agreements. Typically employees offer consumers the agreement at the time of purchase, and the agreement generally states that the consumer is eligible for the 3 year…

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