The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration of the Department of Transportation strives to save lives through research, education, and technology. With regards to technology, the NHTSA has been making leaps and bounds with vehicle to vehicle connectivity, or V2V, since it started researching the technology over a decade, SF…
San Francisco Injury Lawyer Blog
Accusations of Financial Elder Abuse Against Alameda County Judge
Abuse stories are always disturbing, as they should be to someone who believes in treating others, especially those who are most vulnerable, with kindness, love, and care. As an Oakland elder abuse law firm, our team has heard about some upsetting occurrences. It is particularly shocking when the abuse comes…
Educating Drivers and Bicyclists in Urban Areas like the Bay Area
Recently, the news media has been drawn to disproportionately covering accidents involving bicyclists. On two different occasions, bicyclists struck and killed a pedestrian at a crosswalk. Then, a reckless young driver allegedly mowed down a father and child who were bicycling in Concord, reportedly because he was speeding and texting.…
Stories of Abuse at Oakland Private School
The Oakland Tribune is reporting on the stories shared by parents and grandparents at a meeting of an Oakland school board. The stories involved mistreatment of students at a small private school run by the St. Andrew’s Missionary Baptist Church in West Oakland. One mother said she removed her daughter…
“Death Spiral:” Blue Shield Pushes Customers into Overpriced, Bad Coverage
Our San Francisco insurance attorneys have probably seen it all in terms of shady behavior by insurance companies trying to squeeze more and more profits from their customers. The whole foundation and reason for insurance is to pay while you are healthy and everything is fine, so that when you…
Safety Reminders Following the Deaths of Three Toddlers in Sacramento Area Swimming Pools
Few things are as enjoyable on a hot summer day as refreshing dip in a swimming pool. Unfortunately, pools can be a danger zone, especially for young children. Less than two weeks into the month, June has seen three toddlers perish in swimming pool deaths in Sacramento and surrounding areas.…
The Danger & The Law of Toxic Mold in Northern California
When we think about mold, most of us recall having to toss out bread, cheese, or other food items that have lingered in our kitchen for too long. However, sufferers who have fallen sick due to toxic mold in San Francisco, Oakland, or other Northern California communities have a very…
Teens Report Texting Behind the Wheel Despite Safety Risks
After countless public awareness campaigns, it is difficult to imagine that anyone has escaped hearing the message that driving and texting do not mix. Surely this warning is a part of every driver’s education class across the country. It seems, however, that teens are not listening. This is a trend…
Lawsuit Following Salmonella Death Reminds the Food Industry that Public Health Must Be a Top Concern
Obtaining compensation for victims is an important goal of our Oakland injury law firm, but it is not the only one. Representing plaintiffs in civil court cases, such as a contaminated food lawsuit in California, helps us send an important message to both companies and individuals. Holding people and organizations…
California Insurance & Workers Compensation Reform
Our San Francisco insurance attorneys were interested to see news that another round of legal reforms of California’s workers’ compensation system is ongoing. The California Assembly and Senate had a joint hearing on this issue earlier this year, entitled, “Informational Hearing, Injured Workers Since SB 899: A Discussion on the…