In July, Gary Lee Potts, 62, was arrested for his part in the 2014 death of Mauricio Edgar Cardenas, 65, who was an elderly nursing home resident with dementia at The Manse on Marsh. Potts, the owner of the facility, and another former facility administrator, Christopher E. Skiff, have been…
Articles Posted in Elder Abuse
Helping Your Elderly Loved One Transition to a Nursing Home
The day may come when you have to help your elderly parents move into a nursing home. You may have struggled against this decision for quite some time, or your mom or dad may have resisted the idea of losing his or her independence. However, at a certain point, it…
California Elderly Relying on High-Interest Payday Loans
The California Department of Business Oversight (CDBO) had disturbing news. The CDBO released a report in May on California’s Deferred Deposit Transaction Law, which showed senior citizens, those older than 62, took out more deferred deposit loans than any other age group. In fact, 23.4% of those over 62 relied…
Group of Physicians Continues to Challenge California’s Death with Dignity Law
Whether or not a terminally ill individual should have the right to decide when he or she dies is a vehemently contested issue. Throughout most of the U.S., physician-assisted suicide is illegal. If it goes on, it is not talked about or done within the eyes of the law. Only…
California Appellate Court Expands Reading of California Elder Abuse Law
The First District Court of Appeal in California found the state’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act should be interpreted broadly. In Mahan v. Charles E. Chan Insurance Agency, Inc., the court determined that the Act covers claims arising from bad faith insurance sales practices. Despite the elderly…
Choosing the Right Care Facility for Your Elderly Parent
There may come a time when you have to put mom or dad, or grandma or grandpa, into a care facility. It is never your first choice, yet it is often the best one. Your elderly loved ones may need more physical support, supervision, and medical care than you are…
Two Individuals Charged With Kidnapping and Elder Abuse
Cheryl and Eric Mills were arrested for kidnapping and elder abuse after suddenly removing an elderly relative from a care facility without permission. Police found the Mills and the elderly individual 90 miles away from the care home in Stockton. The 88-year-old victim was not harmed during the incident, but…
What Should I do if I Believe My Elderly Parent is Being Abused?
When you have elderly parents in nursing homes, it can be difficult to monitor their health and safety. You are not around every day to ensure that they get enough food and water, are properly bathed, receive their medications, and are not neglected or abused. You may not even be…
UTIs a Sign of Elder Neglect and Abuse
Urinary tract infections can pose a serious threat to the health of an elderly individual. While both men and women may get a UTI once or a few times throughout their lives, this infection should be caught as early as possible and treated right away. Without prompt and appropriate care,…
How the Elderly Can Avoid the Grandparent Scam
If you are a devoted grandparent or your elderly mom or dad dotes on your kids, you need to be aware of how this love and affection can be manipulated. Over the years, more and more elderly people have been targeted by what is known as a grandparent scam. In…